How does attitude play a role in travel? And are we downplaying the inherent dangers and risk of travel? Is motorcycle travel safe?
48: Wild Camping, Political Unrest and Modified Bikes
Finding wild camping in some places can be a challenge, we have some tips and talk about some apps that can help in finding the perfect camp site to lay your head at night.And some countries may experience political unrest which could have some impact on travellers, how should you best deal with that? And should you just buy the motorcycle that is meant for the type of riding you want to do, or should you do the modifications yourself and maybe save yourself some money?
47: When Going Cheap Costs More and Planning for Problems
Everyone, at some point or another, has gone cheap on something while travelling. Perhaps insurance, bike parts, prep work for a trip or hiring a fixer at a border. And what you may have found out after the fact is that it actually ‘cost’ you more. And do you have a contingency plan in place for when something goes wrong when you’re on a trip with another person or group?
46: Steering Clear of the Law and the Strangest Traffic Rules
What can you do to avoid run-ins with the law before they happen while traveling? How should you handle corrupt police? There are also some strange traffic laws in different countries that you might be surprised to find out about - by receiving a ticket. And do you really need an adventure bike to do an around the world trip?
45: Becoming a Better Traveler, Protecting Your Stuff and To Rent, Buy or Ship
When going on a trip to another country, what are your options? Should you rent or buy? What about insurance and the paper work involved? How do you protect your backpack from being stolen? And we ask the RAW travel panel if there was one thing they could do to improve the way they travel, what would it be?
44: What Bugs You?
There are 1.4 billion insects per person in the world, and chances are you’re probably going to come in to contact with some while traveling, because they’re found everywhere you go. The RAW panel talks about their experiences with bugs and that topic leads in to climate change and the impact it may have on motorcycle travel.
43: Time Travel and How Travel Changes Us
Who have you met in your travels that has made an impression on you? How long does it take you before you realize that time is no longer important when on a trip and you should stop looking at your watch? In what ways has travel changed you? Is there a difference between long travel and short travel in making these changes in a person? All this and more in the travel panel discussions on RAW with guest motorcycle traveller and author, Michelle Lamphere.
42: In Over Your Head and What's on Your Bucket List?
What do you do when you find yourself in a situation where you’re in over your head? On this episode of RAW we discuss how we deal with awkward, stressful or difficult situations. And do you have a bucket list? Find out what Sam Manicom, Graham Field, Grant Johnson, and Shirley Hardy-Rix and Brian Rix have on theirs, maybe get some ideas and inspiration for your bucket list.
41: Riding Longer, Adventure Hacks and Borrowing Bikes
What are some things we can do to keep riding as long as we can? What adventure hacks can make travel simpler? And should you borrow someone’s bike just to try riding a different motorcycle?
40: Analyze, Prioritize and Conceptualize - Motorcycle Travel
When is a story a good story? And with all the spectacular places in the world to visit, how do you choose where to go to? These and more questions answered by some of the most informative and witty adventure travellers and authors in the world. Or should we just google it?
39: Common Mistakes Motorcycle Overlanders Make | Should Adventure Be Planned or Spontaneous
Moto talks by some of the most informative and witty adventure travellers and authors in the world. Conversations brought to the table this month include common mistakes that motorcycle travellers make and should adventure be planned or happen spontaneously.
38: Are Influencers Changing the Way We Travel?
Moto talks by some of the most informative and witty adventure travellers and authors in the world. Conversations brought to the table this month include dealing with wind noise on longer trips, protecting the privacy of those whose photos you take while on a trip, and how travel influencers are making an impact and changing the way people travel.
37: Near Misses, Credit Card Fraud, Travel by Ural and Going Electric
Moto talks by some of the most informative and witty adventure travellers and authors in the world. Conversations brought to the table this month include near misses on the road, travelling on a ural and the future of motorcycle travel on electric bikes. And while in India, Graham Field finds out what it’s like to be the target of what could be credit card fraud or a case of stolen identity.
36: Tips for Cheap Motorcycle Travel in Mexico, Central & South America
A big part of trip planning is cost, and budgeting for meals and accommodations, let alone fuel and the unexpected, can be a bit overwhelming. The panel discusses travelling on the cheap, mainly in Mexico, Central and South America. And everyone has memorable riding experiences in their life that stand out more than others. We talk about those special moments and share photos that were taken at the time.
35: Motorcycle For Sale | Discovering the Unusual
An easy going chat about buying and selling motorcycles, and some strange and unusual places and experiences that these riders have discovered while on their travels. Round table discussions with some of the world’s most experienced moto adventurers and authors.
34: Experienced Rider's Tire Choice - Handling Cultural and Political Differences While Travelling
What tires do these experienced motorcycle riders use and how do you handle cultural and political differences while travelling in different countries. Round table discussions with some of the world’s most experienced moto adventurers and authors.
33: Motorcycle Social - Catching the Waves, Travel Tunes and Rabbit Holes
This month the RAW panelists discuss the logistics of travel visas, minimizing gear, random acts of kindness, do we identify as riders or travellers, music while riding and the moto wave. Motorcycle travel discussions with some of the world’s most experienced moto adventurers and authors.
32: Three Men and a Host Discuss Motorcycle Chronicles and Capacities
Motorcycle Travel Discussions with some of the world’s most experienced moto adventurers and authors. On this episode: Different ways to chronicle your trip, managing weight on your motorcycle, times when the panel have had to improvise on tools, and what to do with your gear when you have to park your motorcycle overnight.
31: Gut Feelings and Problem Solving
Motorcycle Travel Discussions with some of the world’s most experienced moto adventurers and authors. On this episode: How to know the difference between a gut feeling that is well worth following and paranoia. And when everything goes pear shaped and you find yourself in almost unsurmountable trouble, do you already have a plan in place?
30: Hunters, Gatherers & Markets - Good Eats on Two Wheels
Motorcycle Travel Discussions with some of the world’s most experienced moto adventurers and authors. This episode of RAW is dedicated to cooking and eating on the road while motorcycle camping and travelling. Tips on what to take and more.