Posts filed under Riding Pillion

27: Backside Comforts, After Crash Confidence & Partner Persuasion

Ideas for comfortable camp seats, tips for getting back on your bike after a crash and convincing your riding partner that travel to strange countries is safe.

Music: "Turbo Tornado" by Admiral Bob 2016 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) "DIRT ROAD TRAVELER" Jason Shaw Creative Commons Music by Jason Shaw on

5: Doing it With a Partner, Laptop Survival and Newbie Travelling Motorcycle Riders

Many men traveling the world on their motorcycles find themselves missing their partners, with some attempting to bridge the gap by having their loved ones join them for part of the journey, while others face relationship challenges on the road. Some even go as far as carrying a helmet, hoping to meet someone special along the way. We discuss the ups and downs of riding with your partner. Additionally, we delve into laptop survival tips for travelers, covering the necessity of bringing one, as well as methods for photo storage. Lastly, we address the issue of newbie motorcycle travelers, questioning whether taking a course before a big trip is advisable and offering advice for those with limited riding experience but a strong desire to travel.

Posted on May 11, 2016 and filed under Driving Skills, Communication, Travel, Riding Pillion.
Music: "Turbo Tornado" by Admiral Bob 2016 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) "DIRT ROAD TRAVELER" Jason Shaw Creative Commons Music by Jason Shaw on