Spoked wheels offer some advantages to the adventure rider, namely they are more flexible and forgiving in the rough stuff which is why most adventure bikes on the market have them. But that flexibility comes at a cost - and that’s what inside the tire - the tube. On this episode we talk with a tire expert, T.J. Tennent, who answers some questions we have, he dispels some myths and we also learn some interesting facts about tire tubes.
Image: T.J. Tennent
Image: T.J. Tennent
About T.J. Tennent: A former road racer and Vice-President of Engineering at Bridgestone Firestone, T.J. Tennent is a global motorcycle tire expert who ran Bridgestone Racing. He recently developed and tested the Bridgestone H50 tire for Harley Davidson and is a chief motorcycle rider coach for the Motorcycle Safety Foundation.
T.J Tennent now heads up Tennent and Associates, a global forensics firm specializing in tire failure analysis, law enforcement tire failure analysis training and fleet training, including motorcycle tires.
Email T.J: thetyreguy [at] yahoo.com