Can You Justify the Cost of a Motorcycle Airbag Vest?

Airbag vests could be for the upper body what helmets are for the head. And they could mean the difference between life and death. We’ll spend a small fortune on a helmet or a riding jacket and pants, yet we have trouble justifying the price of an airbag vest. On this episode, why should we consider an airbag vest, what will it do for us, what choices do we have and what are we paying for?

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RIDER SKILLS: Simple Cornering Methods For Adventure Motorcycles

On this episode of RIDER SKILLS, Bill Dragoo from Dragoo Adventure Rider Training walks us through some simple steps that will help improve your cornering skills while riding your adventure motorcycle on the street, either loaded or unloaded.

Posted on May 6, 2021 and filed under Rider Skills.

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GEARING UP: Essential ADV Gear - Shawn Thomas

Feeling confident when you ride off the beaten track has everything to do with two things, what skills you possess and what gear are you carrying. But deciding just which skills you should learn and what pieces of gear you should carry comes down to experience. On this episode of Gearing Up we’re going to speak to Shawn Thomas and learn about some essential gear that he rides with and a bunch more.

Posted on April 29, 2021 and filed under Gear, Gearing Up.

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Cure the Wanderlust - Geoff Keys

Some of us are born with it, some of us develop it and some of us are just sideswiped by it - it’s something called wanderlust. Geoff Keys had ambitions to travel the world for a long time. Further inspired by adventure travel books and moto documentaries, he decided to follow his dream to tour the world and naturally the mode of transport was motorcycle. As Geoff shared with us, his “reason for travelling is simply to scratch the itch, cure the wanderlust, see what there is to be seen and meet the people with whom I share the planet”. With a pure attitude, leaving all inhibitions behind, Geoff has faced some challenges and met many people along the way, and even made headlines when he was lost in the Australian outback for two days.

Posted on April 22, 2021 and filed under Adventure, Adventure Bike, World Rider, Travel.

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A Huge Fraternity of Motorcyclists - Sean Burch

The motorcycle community is a pretty close knit group of people. We wave when we pass each other, we’re always willing to help out a fellow rider when they have a problem and many of us have an open door for traveling motorcyclists. We connect through social media and forums, with many of us forming lifelong friendships. And sometimes we’re fortunate to come across people who are so generous and so kind that it’s almost surreal. And imagine coming across not just one person, but several people who through their actions confirm your faith in humanity. And that’s just what happened to Sean Burch from the United States, who found friendship all over the world and kindness in strangers.

Posted on April 15, 2021 and filed under Adventure, Travel.

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Australian Desert Forges New Rider - Benji Brundin

A few years ago Benji Brundin went through some major life changes, including losing his dream career and his wife, and decided that the best course of action was to break from conventional life. So, leaving his past behind, challenging his fears and limitations he bought a camper van and outfitted it for adventure, then headed out to circumnavigate Australia with a dirt bike strapped to the back. Although he had never ridden a motorcycle before, adventure riding has now become Benji’s focus, and has led to him discovering a passion of riding in sand and ultimately crossing all ten deserts in Australia.

Posted on April 8, 2021 and filed under Desert Crossing, Extreme Riding, Australia.

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Harley-Davidson Pan America Enters the ADV Scene - How’s That Going to Pan Out?

Harley-Davidson has announced the Pan America, an “adventure touring” motorcycle which is projected to be released in May, 2021. There’s been mixed reactions amongst the adventure motorcycle community, as Harley-Davidson has traditionally been known for big and loud bikes. We went to Harley-Davidson and to industry expert Tim Calhoun to get some of our biggest questions answered including what’s behind the thought process of the Harley-Davidson breaking in to the adventure motorcycle market with the new Pan America? What can we expect from this new adventure touring bike? Will the adventure motorcycling community embrace the Pan America and are we even willing to give it a chance?

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Rider Skills - Controlling Your Motorcycle in the Sand - Jimmy Lewis

One of the most feared surfaces for riders is sand and although some riders probably hold that fear level a little too high, it stems from the level of difficulty that sand presents for most of us. But, riding in sand is second nature to former racer and now instructor, Jimmy Lewis and on this episode he shares important techniques and tips that will help make you a better rider in the sand.

Posted on March 25, 2021 and filed under Rider Skills.

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1951 Harley Panhead in Africa - The Impossible Can Become the Possible

If you were planning a motorcycle trip to Africa, where you were going to traverse steep mountain passes, explore lesser travelled roads and visit remote places, travelling solo with a rough plan open to any opportunity, what bike would you choose to take? Would you consider the perfect motorcycle to be a 1951 Harley Panhead, a hard tail? That’s just what Gareth Jones from South Wales rode on his African adventure, a trip he had been wanting to do for a long time. If you’re wondering how he could justify taking a bike with no rear suspension you’ll have to factor in one of the most powerful emotional states a person can experience - passion. And when you’re passionate - the impossible can become the possible.

Posted on March 18, 2021 and filed under Africa, Harley Davidson, Travel.

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When Focusing on Destination Takes Over the Adventure

When planning a motorcycle trip there are a couple of major governing factors to take in to consideration - a destination and a time frame. But, if we focus too much on those two planning points the essence of the trip could get lost. We might forget that the real adventure is in the journey, not the destination. That’s what happened to Ronnie Altice when he set off on an adventure with his son, and it led him down a path he never intended to visit.

Posted on March 11, 2021 and filed under Adventure, Short Adventures, Travel.

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Ted Simon - 90 and Still Riding

Ted Simon has been a motorcycle travel mentor for riders and adventurers around the world for decades. Countless times we’ve heard from people who have said that his book inspired them or that they consulted with him before they travelled or that he helped them write their own book. He’s travelled the world twice, and as he turns 90 he is still riding and still writing. On this episode, a conversation with the adventurer who helped paved the way for long distance motorcycle travel, Ted Simon.

Posted on March 4, 2021 and filed under Authors, Adventure, Travel, World Rider.

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What Does it Really Mean to Have a Travel Sponsor?

Do you ever wonder what’s involved in and how someone gets sponsored for a trip? What do they get and just what do they have to do for the company that is sponsoring them? Each company will have their own specifics for sponsorship and it will likely depend on many things, but to try to get an idea of what it’s all about we asked Michnus and Elsebie Olivier from PikiPiki Overland to sit down and have a chat about sponsorship.

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Unprepared for Motorcycle Travel But Determined to Make it Work

Harold Serrano was not a motorcyclist, he didn’t have a licence to ride a bike, in fact other than a few little rides messing around Harold had no experience with motorcycles. But he did decide that the easiest and cheapest way to get around South America was on a motorcycle, so he got one. What Harold didn’t realize was that he was grossly unprepared for a motorcycle travel adventure - he did however have passion, determination and a goal - and those three things combined are powerful forces that can overcome just about any trouble - at least the trouble Harold found.

Posted on February 18, 2021 and filed under South America, Adventure, Travel.

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3 Rider Skills You Can't Master - But Should Try To

The top three riding skills that you will never master on your motorcycle, yet you should always be trying to, are the focus of this episode of Rider Skills. Why should you care about trying to master a skill - if the premise is that you can never do it? To answer that we have Shawn Thomas, a BMW certified off-road and street riding instructor and a BMW ambassador in the US.

Posted on February 11, 2021 and filed under Rider Skills.

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Is it Quality or Does it Just Look That Way?

The choice of motorcycle related products on the market is endless, and with that are the decisions to be made. When you’re looking for a specific item, be it an accessory or a part or anything else, you’ll probably find yourself overwhelmed when you start doing the research. With all the choices how do you know when something is good quality? What should you be looking for? We have a lot of questions and to get some answers and ideas we turned to Warren Milner, who has spent a good portion of his life working at Honda Canada in product planning, and in Research and Development for new motorcycle models.

Posted on February 4, 2021 .

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The Realities of Motorcycle Life - Simon and Lisa Thomas

The first motorcyclist to circumnavigate the world was Carl Stearns Clancy, and he undoubtedly paved the way for other moto travellers who saw him as a role model. And we have since looked towards modern day long-distance riders or world travellers for inspiration. Simon and Lisa Thomas have been a source of motivation for many motorcyclists and their years of knowledge and experience speak volumes, whether it’s about making connections, different cultures, border crossings or cooking a great meal. On this episode, a deeper conversation about finances, risk, insurance, changed perspectives and more.

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Travel for the Sake of Travel - Going the Wrong Way - Chris Donaldson

Chris Donaldson was brought up during The Troubles in Northern Island and for years he looked towards escaping his conflicted homeland on his motorcycle with the goal of riding to Australia. But, not long after he set out he hit a ‘road block’ and as often happens in travel, plans changed. He ended up riding his Moto Guzzi Le Mans to places he thought he never would and 40 years later getting to Australia is still on Chris’ mind. An epic journey and an entertaining tale that reminds us that travel is not about the destination.

Posted on January 21, 2021 and filed under Authors, Solo Travel, World Rider.

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Rider Skills: Making it Easy - Getting On and Off in All Conditions

Getting on and off your motorcycle seems simple enough, almost so simple that it could be discounted as a riding skill, yet getting on and off a motorcycle can be difficult in certain situations. For instance, if your bike is loaded, or you have a pillion, top box or roll bag. Maybe you ride a tall bike, or you find yourself on a hill facing up or sideways, or on uneven ground. How many times have you seen someone fall while dismounting or mounting their bike? Getting a better handle on this can make you a more confident rider, and for some tips and methods we talk with riding instructor Clinton Smout from SMART Adventures.

Posted on January 14, 2021 and filed under Rider Skills.

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Know Before You Go - More Top Tips From Experienced Travellers - Part 2

Seasoned travellers share their best travel tips and advice. Lessons learned on the road that you need to know before you go. This is part TWO of a TWO part series, each featuring different travellers with a vast array of advice. In this episode we hear from world travellers, Spencer Conway and Cathy Nel, Steph Jeavons and Tiffany Coates.

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Know Before You Go - Top Tips From Experienced Travellers - Part 1

As 2020 comes to a close and we are looking toward to the future, planning adventures, short or long, near or far, we asked a select group of experienced travellers if they would share their top planning, packing and travel tips. Secrets, so to speak, that you need to know before you go. This is part ONE of a TWO part series, each featuring different travellers with a vast array of advice.

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