Image: Harrold Serrano
For most, trip planning can be fairly thorough, it can even be part of the fun and excitement of the adventure itself, but many times the planning process morphs into virtually endless data points, printouts, check lists and deep research on which product to choose, which bike, tent, water bottle, suspension mods that “need” to be done to our bikes before we can go - and in collecting all of this data, the scene can begin to appear daunting, complicated, even dangerous to a fault.
Then there are those like Harold Serrano who have an idea for an adventure, a passion to explore yet do none of the motorcycle centric planning. In fact in Harold’s case, he lacked just about everything, he had no motorcycle licence, no riding experience, no mechanical ability to fix the bike or flat tire not to mention no proper clothing etc. But in the end passion wins out and a great adventure is born despite lack of planning.
Instagram: whereisharold
Image: Harold Serrano

“I have been listening to the adventure rider radio and raw podcasts over the past few years, as I have recently gotten back into moto camping after taking a 20 year break from it (farming and traveling don’t go hand in hand!) While I have listened to and enjoyed all of the wonderful interviews you have conducted, I was really blown away by your interview with Harold. For me, Harold has distilled the essence of true motorcycle adventure - stripping away the the need for gear, riding skill, fancy bike, and ego. Thank you for letting him share his story. It was very inspiring.
~ Josh Cohen”
“Of all the broadcasts I’ve listened to on ARR this one on Harold was absolutely the most compelling adventure. I could not stop grinning and loving Harold’s story. The truth and nature of his soul just comes shining through. If ever one wants a take away about letting go of expectations and letting life itself guide you this is it. Wonderful! Thank you so much!!!
~ Helene Darvick”