Posts tagged #Rally

Rally Raid Honda CB500X Adventure Motorcycle

The Rally Raid conversion kit that transforms what is basically a street bike, the Honda CB500X, into what may the ultimate mid-weight adventure bike. The end result seems to impress everyone that comes across it and a quick look at some of the videos on this page have to impress you. 

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Dakar Racer - Lawrence Hacking | Motorcycle Product Inventor - David Petersen

David Petersen is a motorcyclist, inventor and entrepreneur that has contributed plenty to our motorcycle community. On this episode we feature David in our MotoMogul segment. Lawrence Hacking is a motorcycle racer and has been since 1971, he is an author and journalist and is the organizer of his own successful rally called Lawrence Hacking’s Adventure Rally held each year in Ontario, Canada. And Spencer Hill reviews a tent he feels is a good fit for adventure motorcyclist

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