If you spend much time riding unmaintained roads and trails in a forested area, then you are bound to find a tree laying across your track sometime. Riding a big adventure bike has some limitations for the average rider but by using a fairly simple method, you can ride over many of the trees you’ll encounter. On this episode of Adventure Rider Radio’s exclusive Rider Skills - Clinton Smout walks us through two methods, one for under six inch trees and one for over six inch trees, both fully doable with a little practice. At the end Clinton has a method for you to set up at home that allows you to build the necessary skills in a controlled environment before tackling the real world of downed trees.
Logs on an oblique angle must be approached at right angles. Meaning you have to align your bike to cross directly over - not at an angle.
Sometimes with a little help you can slip under a snag.
Clinton Smout heads up Smart Adventures at Horseshoe Resort in Ontario Canada and is a certified BMW off-road trainer. He has been teaching motorcycle riders for over 25 years.
Website: http://www.smartadventures.ca
Image left: Clinton Smout
Wet logs with the bark stripped off are a hazard and must be treated with respect.
Music Credits:
Title: Power To Strike (ft. Kara Square)
Artist: Aussens@iter
Title: Funky Folk Long
Artist: house
Title: Singularity (ft. Mr_Yesterday)
Artist: Stefan Kartenberg
Title: Greasy Wheels
Artist: apple
Title: Basic Vintage Break
Artist: house
Title: Atmosphere Beat
Artist: house