There is a lot to remember when riding an adventure motorcycle in the dirt and challenges often come up quickly leaving little time for contemplation. That’s when having the skills you need in muscle memory can make the difference between an exhilarating ride or a ‘pick up you bike’ exercise or worse. So, to get some things clear in your mind once again Clinton Smout is going to walk us through almost every challenge we find when riding adventure motorcycless in the dirt.
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Chase Eckert says he’s drawn to fantastic stories told by amazing people and feels that if you listen to enough interesting people for long enough you will end up trying something interesting yourself. Chase grew up working at his family’s traveling carnival in Alaska. As things would have it, during Covid the carnival shut down, but when things started to open up again Chase went back to work. While at a carnival during the Iditarod sled dog race he got the idea to ride his motorcycle to the Arctic Circle. After some quick planning, Chase set out and rode his KTM up the Dalton Highway, but before he made it to his destination he ran in to some trouble with his bike and plans changed.
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Nothing beats heading out for a riding adventure with a group of friends, enjoying the ride and having someone watch your back while you watch theirs. But, there are some things that you should keep in mind when it comes to riding with a group including safety, preparation and buddy etiquette. Clinton Smout, who’s in Baja, Mexico riding sweep on a commercial group ride, talks about group riding but not before he tells us about the most difficult day on the ride so far, on what he calls The Trail from Hell.
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They say that everything has a season in life, a time, perhaps even a lifespan, and when it’s over we need to let it it go and move forward. But it doesn’t mean walking away and forgetting, it means taking with you what you have learned and what you have become from the experience. And that may be one of the things we can draw from Tom Reuter’s story, that it’s not about how many miles you have ridden, how many countries you have visited, or how many borders you have crossed, it’s about what you take away from the journey. And that has nothing and everything to do with the ride itself.
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Janell and Stuart Clarke are both engineers and both enjoyed travelling and exploring the Australian outback by four wheel drive having so much fun that they decided to explore the world. So they began dreaming and planning a trip, but it soon became apparent to them that the cost of using a four wheel drive would deeply cut in to their budget. Then the idea of using motorcycles came up and that seemed like a plan they could sink their teeth into. Soon they were on the road, two bikes and a dog on the trip of a lifetime. Nine years later, they are still travelling from country to country and having picked up some passengers it’s now five of them on two motorcycles - still exploring the world.
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Chris Birch thinks that sand really gets a bad rap and that riding in sand is fun, not just for him but for all riders. And if you disagree, it could be that you either need to tweak your skills or perhaps you’ve missed one of the fundamentals of riding in sand. Time after time, Chris teaches riders to have fun in the sand, not just survive, but have fun. So, if you fear sand or you struggle in it, this episode of RIDER SKILLS should make it so that the next time you see sand through your visor, you’ll anticipate it with a smile on your face.
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When Patrick Cheever was about seven years old his dad brought home a moped, and Patrick thought it was a dream machine. He racked up mile after mile riding the moped back and forth in his driveway and around the yard. And that sealed it for him, he fell in love with riding motorcycles. And so it continued, riding, fixing, buying and selling, until something happened, not to Patrick but to people close to him. It made him question the safety of riding a motorcycle, so he walked away from the internal combustion engine and began riding his mountain bike because it was safer, or so he thought. In hindsight, he realized that he had never really let motorcycling go, and this is his story of leaving and then returning to the motorcycle.
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Why would anyone ride a motorcycle to an exotic location in a faraway place and then just leave the bike behind? To date, there are about 175 riders who have done just that. They’ve ridden these motorcycles on epic motorcycle adventures in which they traverse sand, mud, tough ground, through streams and even over mountains to deliver the motorcycles to park rangers working in underfunded areas. The ceremonial hand-off of the new motorcycle from the adventure rider philanthropist to park ranger is an emotional affair that is so powerful that it draws some of these riders back, year after year. And the great thing about it is that you could be going next.
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It was something he dreamed of doing, something on his bucket list. Brett Anderson was going to ride his motorcycle to Ushuaia one day, perhaps in retirement when he had more time. Brett had a busy life filled with outdoor pursuits such as hiking, running, motorcycling, and he also worked as an international commercial airline pilot. He was active, physically fit and busy. Then suddenly he got sick and everything changed when he was diagnosed with a terminal illness. But rolling over and accepting defeat is not Brett Anderson, in fact that diagnosis was what fuelled Brett to focus on his bucket list - Ushuaia by motorcycle.
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Rolling along a trail or down the road on a motorcycle emanates a sense of grace and precision, but when the rolling slows to a stop that same motorcycle suddenly feels like a pig. And trying to move it around while standing beside it quickly become a wrestling match, or more over, a mismatch as you try to shove and pull the hefty two wheeled behemoth while it seems to do it’s best to oppose your every effort and flops down on the ground. On this exclusive Adventure Rider Radio RIDER SKILLS segment, we learn the methods of the pros on moving a motorcycle while standing beside it, all the while making it look like a well balanced bicycle, with you taking control.
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Every motorcycle has some suspension settings that can and should be adjusted for you and your load - so ask yourself, when was the last time, or maybe when was the first time you adjusted or readjusted your suspension to match your load? Or maybe you are wondering why we need to adjust our motorcycle suspension when we don’t ever have to adjust the suspension in our cars? And what is dampening, how do you set it and what are you supposed to feel afterwards?
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Wayne Kouf is heading to Ushuaia, Argentina. His plan is to stay off the beaten track and find some challenges like The Trampoline of Death - fabled to be one of the most dangerous roads in South America. But, Wayne and the two other riders he had met up with found the gruelling road blocked by landslides, so they changed routes and rode up high up into the mountains of Colombia. At this point, they were sort of off the map, in to what Wayne describes as the toughest, most difficult riding he has ever done. But what he didn’t expect, what he couldn’t have imagined from the thin line displayed on his GPS, was that this route would take him straight into hostile FARC Guerrilla territory, where they were stopped and held at gunpoint. And not much later in the trip he is caught in the violent deadly protests in Peru. Something that’s fascinating in Wayne’s story, aside from the events themselves, are the tactics he used to safely get them out of dangerous situations. Tactics he used for completely different situations in a real estate career.
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Deadhorse, Alaska is an unincorporated community that supports oil operations in nearby Prudhoe Bay and is the temporary home for two to three thousand nonpermanent workers. To get to Deadhorse you have to ride the Dalton Highway, commonly referred to as the Haul Road, and it’s not for the faint of heart. Road conditions vary greatly with gravel, mud, dust, snow and ice. Why has it become a destination for motorcyclists, not to mention loads of other tourists? So why all the fuss? On this episode, Jeff Davison tells us what it was like for him to ride a test motorcycle from Suzuki all the way to Deadhorse Alaska.
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Crossing a river, pond or puddle can be great fun, exhilarating in fact, that is assuming you make it through. Because if you don’t, the result can run from mild to very serious, even leaving you stranded or walking out. And it only takes one of many possible mistakes to ruin your day. But there is a procedure, and if you follow it through you will have the best chance of getting to the other side smiling. On this episode of Rider Skills, instructor Clinton Smout will walk us through that procedure, step by step, and give you some exercises to do at home to build your skills while you’re still dry.
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We’ve heard much talk and debate about the modern motorcycle, with its computer systems and how it affects one’s ability to ride in remote or far off places. Some riders insist on riding bikes that have older technology, while others say the new systems are reliable and are worth the risk of the remote chance of having a problem. The choices for new motorcycles without computer technology is dwindling quickly as manufacturers modernize their line-up, complying with emissions requirements around the globe. But what is this system that we’re so afraid of? This computer system that is so magical, mysterious and yet loathsome for a rider with a broken one? Is it really as difficult, as out of reach, as impenetrable and difficult to understand as many would have you believe? This, travel and motorcycles on today’s episode of ARR.
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On last month’s episode of RAW, the panel discussed some of the most iconic places in the world to ride a motorcycle and what they came up with was The 7 Wonders of the Motorcycle Travel World. And when debating the destinations that would make the cut, there were two routes that run somewhat parallel in South America that Michelle Lamphere felt must be included. So she suggested that although these routes are different and offer unique experiences, they could be done as a loop. And from that was born the Patagonia Loop. According to the RAW group of motorcycle travellers, this is one of the best riding experiences in the world. And the great thing is, you can fly there, rent a bike and experience much of it in just weeks. And to tell you more about it, we have Michelle Lamphere, RAW co-host, who has herself ridden the all new Patagonia Loop.
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Several years ago, Steve Mason and some good friends spent five months on the road, an exceptional trip riding through foreign lands and crossing borders. When it was over, they headed home and got back to normal life. But as you can imagine, this didn’t scratch an itch so much as kindle a flame. And for Steve, returning home was bit rough. He had quit his job before he left, spent a good junk of money on the trip and had a family that depended on him. It was difficult getting settled in again and he couldn’t shake that desire to get back on the road. He just had to figure out how to make it work so that he didn’t come home and have to start everything all over again. And this time, he wanted more… he wanted the round the world trip.
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We all know that a motorcycle is less stable at slow speeds, which is when so many falls happen. For street riders, it’s usually parking lots or roadside stops where slow tip overs happens, but adventure riders have an even higher tip over rate, just because of the nature of riding an adventure bike. We tend to ride on dirt, gravel, rocks, mud, over uneven and slippery surfaces and that’s part of the appeal of adventure riding. How do we avoid falling over at slow speeds? What are the key ingredients that some riders have mastered so that they can slowly work their way around obstacles at slow speeds and not fall over? What’s the secret?
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Riding the Trans America Trail across the United States can be a challenge in itself. But add to that challenge a motorcycle that is so unsuited to the task it would almost be considered insane to tackle. At this point, Brendan O’Leary walks in to the picture, he’s an engineer by trade with a tremendous passion for working on small Honda motorcycles. Brendan decides that he’s going to buy a new Honda CT 125 and ride the TAT. And there begins the story, with Brendan putting his plan in to action starting with logistics and preparation, before he sets out on his very first, perhaps absurd, motorcycle adventure.
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Declan McEvoy arrived at work one morning to discover that one of his co-workers wasn’t there, that he had actually died while getting ready for work that very day. It hit Declan hard - not only was this a close coworker but he was only 50 years old and Declan himself was 45, just five years off. Suddenly it was clear to him that he had no idea how much time was left and he had the urge to do the things he had always dreamed of. And even though he hadn’t ridden in over 20 years, it all began with a motorcycle.
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