Posts filed under GS Trophy

Life is 10% What Happens to You and 90% How You React to It - Justin Kleiter

When a freak skiing accident left Justin Kleiter laid up on his couch he needed something to do, and by chance he discovered a whole new world of motorcycle adventure that would lead him to South America, Mongolia and many more places.

Posted on June 24, 2021 and filed under Travel, Adventure, GS Trophy.

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Why all the Hype about the GS Trophy?

In 2008 BMW introduced the GS Trophy, an international competition where riders from around the world take part in competing on some of the most challenging terrains in exotic locations, and they’ve since continued the competition with qualifier and final event sequels. But, why all the hype about the GS Trophy and what does it mean for adventure motorcycle culture? We talk to BMW Ambassador, Shawn Thomas to find out.

Posted on October 22, 2020 and filed under BMW, GS Trophy.

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Jocelin Snow: No Challenge Too Big

From road racing to competing in the GS Trophy in Mongolia, Jocelin Snow has overcome some challenges and obstacles that might have stopped some riders, including recovering from a racing accident and riding a motorcycle some said was too big for her.

Posted on July 25, 2019 and filed under Women Motorcycle Riders, GS Trophy.

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