Image: Spencer Conway
Spencer Conway and his wife, Cathy Nel, have a goal to circumnavigate all seven continents on Earth. So far Spencer has completed Africa, which most riders would consider to be the most difficult one and recently he and Cathy completed their circumnavigation of South America. And because Spencer does not stick to the main routes he often finds himself lost and has incredible experiences. In fact, he refuses to take a GPS with them just for that reason because he thinks that the key to a successful trip is to get lost every now and then. Spencer has come away with some fantastical tales of adventure and the troubles they’ve faced in South America, which he shares on this episode.
ABOUT SPENCER: Spencer Conway is the author of The Japanese-Speaking Curtain Maker, a book about his adventures in Africa, and is featured in the TV series African Motorcycle Diaries. He has just released his latest book about his travels in South America, The Zimbabwean Psychiatrist’s Hat. Both of Spencer’s books are available on his website and on Amazon in Kindle and paperback formats.

Images: Spencer Conway