Not According to Plan - Francis Walsh

Image & Cover Image: Francis Walsh

Sometimes even the best laid plans for adventure can change or fall apart, and while that might be a worrisome thought for some people, it can actually add to the adventure or change things in ways that might surprise you. In 2017, five friends riding five KTMs left for a five month trip with a plan to ride from London, England to Seoul, South Korea, but it wasn’t long before things were not going as planned. And even though the trip plans went awry, and they faced some unexpected events and challenges, Francis Walsh came away with the amazing attitude that adventure really starts when things fall apart.

Francis Walsh is a passionate motorcycle adventure travel rider living in British Columbia, Canada. You can connect with Francis on his Facebook page at:

Image: Francis Walsh

Images: Francis Walsh


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Posted on February 21, 2019 and filed under Adventure, Travel.