Motorcycle Gloves - Which Ones & Why?
When you walk in to a motorcycle shop the selection of riding gloves can be overwhelming. And which do you choose? What materials should you be considering? David Hough has some expert tips to help you the next time you’re looking at gloves and need to make a decision on which ones you’re going to depend on to keep your hands safe.
About David Hough: David L. Hough has been riding motorcycles for more than 50 years. He and his wife, Diana, have travelled extensively by motorcycles in North & South America, central Europe, the UK, South Africa and New Zealand. While employed at The Boeing Company in Seattle for more than 36 years, he mostly commuted to work by motorcycle. Combining his travel and commuting experience, he became a highly skilled rider and continues to share his knowledge through various magazine publications and several books, including Proficient Motorcycling. David is a certified motorcycle safety instructor and has taught motorcycle training courses. He's been an influence in the development of courses by the Motorcycle Safety Foundation and the Sidecar/Trike Education Program. An award winning author, David L. Hough was inducted in to the AMA Motorcycle Hall of Fame in 2009 in recognition of his lifetime efforts towards motorcycle safety.
David L. Hough's books:
Image: Green Chile Adventure Gear
GCAG Z-Drag Recovery System
Adam Owens - Green Chile Adventure Gear: When your motorcycle gets stuck or falls in a way that’s difficult to pick up, you can be left standing there scratching your head, especially if you’re on your own. But, Green Chile Adventure Gear just may have saved the day for you, as they have come up with their own Z-Drag system, a rig to give you a mechanical advantage for reduced pull. The combination of roller cams provides a 4:1 pulling ratio for self recovery and a 5:1 ratio when you have help. And it comes with instructions on how to use it. Adam Owens from Green Chile sent ARR a GCAG Z-Drag Recovery System to try out, and when Jim opened the bag… well, you’re going to have to listen to the episode to find out what he found.