Anyone who rides a motorcycle can probably tell you that riding a motorcycle isn’t just a form of transportation, it’s an experience. When you return from a motorcycle ride, you are energized and happy. Many motorcyclists refer to riding as their therapy. Feel bad? Need to sort out a problem? Ride. It works. Motorcycle riding releases endorphins which improve moods. Simple as that.
Studies show that riding motorcycles, both on and off-road, have both physical and mental health benefits.
In 2010, Tohoku University in Japan jointly with Yamaha conducted research in to the relationship between brain stimulation and riding motorcycles. Researchers measured brain activity to confirm whether riding a motorcycle activates the PFC, the prefrontal cortex. The PFC has beenlinked to a persons planning behaviours, personality development, decision making and social behaviour. Then they examined the effect of using a motorcycle daily. They found that the bilateral PFC was activated when riding a motorcycle and that daily riding is beneficial for improving various cognitive functions and for reducing mental stress. *
A study on the “Quality of Life of Recreational Off-Road Riders” in 2010 as published in the Health & Fitness Journal of Canada, concluded that “habitual off-road riders appear to have relatively high physical and mental functioning, possibly as a result of their participation in recreational off-road riding. Both ATV (All Terrain Vehicles) and ORM (Off Road Motorcycle) riders revealed high QOL (Quality of Life) based on their MSC (Mental Component Scale) scores.” and “Overall, off-road riders had higher levels of physical functioning than Canadian population norms”. **
Changing & Saving Lives With Motorcycle Therapy - Dave Frey from Veteran's Charity Ride
In this episode Jim talks with Dave Frey, the founder of Veteran’s Charity Ride to Sturgis. VCR takes wounded and amputee veterans on motorcycles, trikes and sidecars from Los Angeles to the Sturgis Bike Rally in South Dakota. They’ve had great success with their program helping vets deal with and work toward overcoming their post-war challenges.
Website: http://veteranscharityride.org
Graham Field
Graham Field - Living the Good Life on a Motorbike
Graham Field, motorcycle adventure author, tells us how motorcycling has changed his life.
Website: http://grahamfield.co.uk
*Tohoku University/Yamaha Research
**Health & Fitness Journal of Canada:
Bret Tkacs
Rider Skills - Rider Wear - Bret Tkacs
Improve and master your riding techniques with some great tips from Bret Tkacs from Puget Sound Safety Off Road. Bret is a skilled expert and this episode’s instructor.
Website: pssor.com