ARR RAW round-table discussions with motorcycle adventure travellers - featuring Grant Johnson, Sam Manicom, Shirley Hardy-Rix, Brian Rix, Graham Field and Jim Martin.
RAW LISTENER QUESTIONS: Have a question for the RAW panel? Send it to us here.
Many men traveling the world on their motorcycles find themselves missing their partners, with some attempting to bridge the gap by having their loved ones join them for part of the journey, while others face relationship challenges on the road. Some even go as far as carrying a helmet, hoping to meet someone special along the way. We discuss the ups and downs of riding with your partner. Additionally, we delve into laptop survival tips for travelers, covering the necessity of bringing one, as well as methods for photo storage. Lastly, we address the issue of newbie motorcycle travelers, questioning whether taking a course before a big trip is advisable and offering advice for those with limited riding experience but a strong desire to travel.
Jim Martin - Host of ARR RAW
Doing it With a Partner:
This topic was inspired by Shirley & Brian who on their travels met many men living their dream that missed their other half. Some had their partner fly in to travel with them for a while, others had relationships break up on the road or falter while away. One person they knew even travelled with a helmet hoping to meet that special someone.
- discussions on riding with your partner, pros and cons
Laptop Survival:
Ideas on taking care of your laptop during travel. Do you really need one? Best methods for photo storage, etc.
Newbie Travelling Motorcycle Riders:
A lot of the time, we hear that people plan a ride and take off for their multi country trip with not much riding experience, and quite often there are issues that arise becasue of a lack of riding skills.
- should a course be considered before embarking on a big trip?
-advice for someone who doesn't have much experience but desperately wants to travel and won't be thwarted.
RAW Guest: Rene Cormier -
An around the world motorcycle traveller, Rene Cormier is also an Africa motorcycle safari guide and the found of Renedian Adventures. He is the author of The University of Gravel Roads.