The discussion covers a few key topics related to motorcycle travel. Firstly, there's the practice of lane splitting and filtering, which is common in many countries but not allowed in the US and Canada. We talk about the safety aspects and how to handle it if you encounter it in other places. Then, we discuss basic repair skills and tools you should have in case of a breakdown, like changing a tire or adjusting the chain. Lastly, we touch on wildlife encounters, including potential dangers and ways to stay safe, like carrying sprays or deterrents.
Host of ARR RAW: Jim Martin
Lane splitting & Filtering:
It’s a dangerous situation for a motorcyclist to be caught in traffic, the stop and go, distracted drivers, etc.
The University of California at Berkeley published a report in May 2015 that says “motorcyclists who split lanes in heavy traffic are significantly less likely to be struck from behind by other motorists”.
The National Agenda for Motorcycle Safety studied safety implications of lane splitting. “A motorcycle’s narrow width can allow it to pass between lanes of stopped or slow moving cars on roadways where the lanes are wide enough to offer an adequate gap. This option can provide an escape route for motorcyclists who would otherwise be trapped or struck from behind. There is evidence that travelling between lanes of stopped or slow-moving cars (i.e. land splitting) on multiple-lane roads (such as interstate highways) slightly reduces crash frequency compared with staying within the lane and moving with other traffic.”
Lane splitting and filtering are a normal practice in many countries…Europe…Asia… riders are expected and sometimes required to pass between vehicles and advance to the front of the group.
If you are not accustomed to lane splitting and filtering (prohibited in most of United States and Canada) and you go to a country where it is law or expected, how can you be prepared for that?
What if you don’t want to lane split - it’s too scary or intimidating - how do you handle that?
Do you avoid it? Just not do it?
Essential Repair Skills & Tools? How to Deal With Breakdowns?
How prepared do you really need to be? What are the do it yourself repairs you should learn before you go? Tire changing, chain adjustment, oil change? Can help usually be found easily?
Wildlife Encounters
Dangers and not-so dangers?
Should you be concerned?
How do you handle wildlife? Different countries - different animals…
Preparing? Knowledge you need?
Is it a good idea to carry sprays, other wildlife defences?
What sort of defence tools do you take with you?
What sort of things can you do to deter animal encounters?
Grant Johnson:
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Sam Manicom:
PICK: Gator Grip - Wonderful bit of kit for overlanding. Cut’s down on the number of spanners and sockets you’d need to carry – rounded off nuts and bolts do happen on the long road so great for this too! Fit’s nuts and bolts ¼ to ¾. And 7 to 19mm. 3/8 Socket drive. Available on Amazon.
Shirley Hardy-Rix, Brian Rix:
PICK: Andy Strapz -