Posts tagged #Elle West

Jeremy & Elle - The Final Chapter of Southward Chronicles | A Decade of Backcountry Discovery Routes

This is the final chapter in the Southward Chronicles series where we followed Jeremy Kroeker and Elle West as they rode from Canada to Ushuaia. What’s it like to get back to normal life now that their year long adventure has come to an end and what does the future hold for them? And Back Country Discovery Routes is a non profit organization that creates off-byway routes - mainly dirt for adventure motorcyclists. They began with an idea and one route, and with a ton of effort and volunteer labour they have created one new route every year totalling 10 routes. How do they choose the routes, how challenging are they, do they rate them and how and who are they designed for?

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Every Beginning Has an Ending - Even Motorcycle Trips

When we last spoke with Jeremy Kroeker and Elle West in April, they were stuck in Uruguay for what they thought might be at least another month, possibly longer because of the pandemic. But, after several months, they’ve decided that it’s time to end their adventure and ship their motorcycles back to Canada, and then take a convoluted route, not their choice, to get back home. Some things can’t be predicted and their plans may have changed more than they could have ever imagined, but did they get out of the trip what they had hoped for? And what happens next for Jeremy and Elle?

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How to Build RIDER SKILLS Without Riding | Change in Plans

Riding instructor, Jimmy Lewis, has some drills and methods that you can use to drastically increase your skill levels, and you won’t even need to start your bike. And we also catch up with Jeremy Kroeker and Elle West, who are being forced to drastically change their plans, despite all their planning for worst case scenarios. When and will they be able to continue their trip?

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Patagonia Winds & Falling Out of Love With the KLR

On this episode Jeremy Kroeker and Elle West are flattened, literally, by the winds of Patagonia. They encounter wild animals in a place they least expected, blow up their travel budget, experience beauty like that which they have never seen before. And to top it all off, Jeremy is falling out of love with his KLR650.

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