In late 2014, after losing his job and finding himself at a crossroads, Josh Kepkay decided to take a leap of faith. With $15,000 in the bank and no clear plan, he set off to travel the world. His journey began in Vietnam, where a motorcycle adventure to Sapa—despite never having ridden a bike before—ignited a lifelong passion within him. What started as a search for direction evolved into a life defined by motorcycles, exploration, and embracing the unexpected.
Chaos and Adventure - The Ride That Changed Everything
In late 2014, after losing his job and finding himself at a crossroads, Josh Kepkay decided to take a leap of faith. With $15,000 in the bank and no clear plan, he set off to travel the world. His journey began in Vietnam, where a motorcycle adventure to Sapa—despite never having ridden a bike before—ignited a lifelong passion within him. What started as a search for direction evolved into a life defined by motorcycles, exploration, and embracing the unexpected.
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