14 Years Later: Lessons Learned on the Road

Image: Michnus and Elsebie Olivier - PikiPiki Overland

Michnus and Elsebie Olivier have been travelling for 14 years, riding their DR650’s across many miles, spending countless nights under unfamiliar skies and crossing numerous borders. Their journey has taught them invaluable lessons and continues to reshape their worldview. It has fostered a deeper appreciation for diverse cultures and landscapes and inspired a life guided by openness to the unknown and the pursuit of meaningful experiences over material accumulation.

Images: Image: Michnus and Elsebie Olivier - PikiPiki Overland

About Michnus And Elsebie Olivier - PikiPiki Overland
In 2010, Michnus and Elsebie Olivier embarked on a motorcycle journey around the world, starting with a trip through Africa. Since then, they have continued their travels, sharing their stories and offering valuable advice on motorcycle travel. You can keep up with their adventures and learn more about them on their website, PikiPiki Overland.

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Posted on June 27, 2024 and filed under World Rider, Women Motorcycle Riders.