Image: Lisa and Simon Thomas - 2 Ride the World
The thrill of the road, the call of the wild and the comforts of home - motorcycle camping trips can have all those things. If you’re planning a trip or just looking for more camping tips, who better to turn to than experienced long-distance travellers who already have it all figured out? With more than four decades of moto camping experience under their gear, these globetrotters offer a treasure trove of insights and techniques to help you master the art of motorcycle camping.
On this second part in the motorcycle camping series, Spencer Conway, author of the Zimbabwean Psychiatrist’s Hat and Lisa and Simon Thomas from 2 Ride the World.
If you missed the first of this series on motorcycle camping, go back and listen to Motorcycle Camping Secrets From World Travelers.
Spencer Conway
Spencer Conway is the author of The Japanese-Speaking Curtain Maker chronicling his escapades in Africa and The Zimbabwean Psychiatrist’s Hat about his remarkable experiences in South America. He's not just an author but is also featured in the TV series "African Motorcycle Diaries." Both of Spencer’s books are available on his website and on Amazon in Kindle and paperback formats.
Website: African Motorcycle Diaries
Facebook: spencer.j.conway

Images: Spencer Conway
Lisa and Simon Thomas - 2 Ride the World
Simon and Lisa Thomas started their journey in 2003 and traveled to various countries, covering a significant part of the world until 2020. They documented their experiences through blogs, photographs, videos, and social media. Lisa authored Dirty Dining - An Adventurer’s Cookbook, available on Amazon. Lisa and Simon are now settled in the UK and sharing their photography knowledge through their newest venture, Living Lens Photography.
Website: 2 Ride the World
Photography Website: Living Lens Photography
Facebook: 2ridetheworld

Images: Lisa and Simon Thomas - 2 Ride the World