Image: Martin Smith
Image: Martin Smith
Martin Smith was riding on the back of his father’s motorcycle when he was just a kid, and in his teens he owned a couple of motorcycles before getting a car. And, as happens to many of us, riding was put on the sidelines while he was working and raising a family. But, when his children were grown up, Martin took up motorcycling again. He got in to riding sport bikes and then adventure bikes, and soon weekend trips took him further afield leading to some weeks long trips.
Martin is a planner, and for him that’s a big part of the adventure. On this episode, he talks about the short trips he does, how he plans for them, how he budgets his time and money, and much more.
In 2019 Martin and some friends from the USA and the UK went on a trip that had been planned for years to tour the French, Swiss and Italian Alps. After a memorable journey with his companions, Martin shared his planning and packing tips, and the adventures the group of seven riders had in a book called Are We Doing the Stelvio Today?
Image: Martin Smith

Images: Martin Smith
Title: Funky Folk
Title: Greasy Wheels
Title: various intros and stingers
Title: Drum shuffle
Title: Jazz Loop
Artist: house
Title: Free Music & Free Beer by Alex (c) copyright 2012 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: Admiral Bob
Title: hip-hop
Artist: N/A
Public Domain