Doing What Really Matters in Life - Greg and Melanie Turp

Image: Greg and Melanie Turp

Image: Greg and Melanie Turp

Some years ago, Greg and Melanie Turp decided they had too much ‘stuff’ and to have all that ‘stuff’ meant that they were working too much. Greg had been riding motorcycles most of his life, and being inspired by other travellers, he and Melanie decided to change their life, to do what mattered to them, to travel and make great memories. They sold everything and travelled around America with their RV and motorcycle. They liked it so much they’ve just kept going, riding around the world on their motorcycle.


Images: Greg and Melanie Turp


Title: Funky Folk
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Title: various intros and stingers
Title: Drum shuffle
Artist: house

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2018 Aussens@iter Licensed to the public under

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Posted on May 8, 2020 and filed under World Rider, Two Up.