Image: Clinton Smout
For many adventure motorcycling means pushing the limits. Pushing into areas where an “adventure” sized bike probably shouldn’t go. But, that’s part of the thrill for many riders. And of course when we push the limits, things can and do go wrong. Perhaps a bike quits running because it was dropped in a river. Or a dead battery, a broken chain - the list is really endless. When you’re in a situation where you have a dead bike - what’s your choice? You could call a tow truck - that works in most cases, but what if you can’t, what if you’re too far off the beaten path or the trail you’re on is too rough for a tow truck to get in to? Well, you just might find yourself towing your bike with another bike. And that isn’t as easy as it sounds, but with the correct instruction and some practice it’s a skill that should be in your repertoire of rider skills. On this episode we talk about how to tow a motorcycle, as well as how to bump start your bike. And we also discuss a specially designed tow strap made just for motorcycles that could help solve the main challenges of towing.
Clinton Smout
Clinton Smout - S.M.A.R.T Adventure Programs
Clinton Smout has been instructing motorcycle riders, ATV riders and snowmobilers at Smart Adventures located at the Horseshoe Resort in Ontario, Canada, for over 20 years.
Dynatow Dynamic Motorcycle Tow Strap: Green Chile Adventure Gear: Adam Owens
Green Chile Adventure Gear: Tow Strap
Title: Funky Folk
Title: Greasy Wheels
Title: various intros and stingers
Artist: house
Title: Organometron (140811 MIx) (ft. Morusque)
Artist: spinningmerkaba