How to Choose the Right Foot Peg for You, Your Bike and Your Type of Riding
On this episode, we have a general discussion on foot pegs with Chris Hardin from IMS Products. We talk about how to tell what motorcycle foot pegs to choose, the types of pegs that riders should consider and what type of rider they are meant for.
Image: Warren Milner
The Wild West Internet - How it Influence Your Choices
Warren Milner is an adventure rider, a writer and worked at Honda Canada for 30 years, making him an industry expert. While at Honda he worked closely with product planning and Research & Development on new models.
Just about anything you want to find out about is available just a click away on the internet. But, not so fast, because the information you find may incorrectly encourage or influence your decisions when it comes to motorcycle modifications, repairs and gear choice. The problem with the internet is that everyone has an opinion, some are valid and some are not. It’s difficult to sort through what is good advice and what is nonsense. So, just where should we be getting information from to help us fix or modify our motorcycles, and to choose the best gear for our ride?
Title: Funky Folk
Title: Greasy Wheels
Artist: house
Title: BlackFly (2:04)
Title: ZigZag
Title: Danse Macabre - Big Hit 2
Artist: Kevin MacLeod
Title: Act now
Title: kickit-one-stinger
Title: radio-cuba-cue-01
Artist: n/a
public domain