Image: Henry Crew
Image: Henry Crew
Henry Crew has been obsessed with motorcycle riding since he was young, and as soon as he could, he got his license and has ridden most days since. At 22 years old, he set out on an adventure on a Ducati Scrambler Desert Sled, with a couple of goals in mind. One is to break the world record to be the youngest person to ride around the world, and the other is to promote the Movember Foundation. Henry has been on the road for over seven months now, and we connected with him in Quito, Ecuador.
To find out more about Henry’s trip and to help support his cause, go to his website and click the donate button.
Image: Henry Crew

Movember Foundation
It’s November, and it’s time to support the Movember Foundation by growing a moustache to raise awareness for men’s health issues.
Image: Ben Bowers; Movember Foundation
The Movember Foundation is a global charity founded in 2003 by Travis Garone and Luke Slattery in Melbourne, Australia. Over a beer, they talked about how trends had changed, and the moustache seemed to have disappeared. They decided to see if they could get their friends to grow moustaches, and decided to turn it in to a fundraiser for men’s health and prostate cancer. They came up with the plan and rules for Movember, and sent around an email challenging friends to “grow a Mo”. 30 men rose to the occasion.
The next year, Adam Garone and Justin Coghlan joined them, and since the original fundraiser went so well with the first group of men, they decided to register Movember and make a website. They put a lot of research in to men’s health issues and decided to raise money for prostate cancer. With the charity doing so well, they expanded in to Spain and the UK, with all the proceeds still going to the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia.
By 2006, the four founders had formed an official Australia charity, called the Movember Foundation. It became a full time venture, and soon they were raising money for not only prostate cancer, but for bluemen’s depression and anxiety as well.
Over the next years, Movember expanded in to NewZealand, the United States and Canada. Creating awareness for men’s health and mental health, they are now in 21 countries and fund over a thousand programs for men’s health, including prostate and testicular cancer, physical inactivity and mental health.
To talk about the millions of moustaches that the Movember Foundation has inspired men to grow in support of the charity is Ben Bowers from the UK location.
To find out about getting involved with the Movember Foundation, and help to change the face of men’s health go to
Image: Ben Bowers; Movember Foundation
Music Credits
Title: Jazzy Sax, Guitar, and Organ at the club (ft. geoffpeters)
Artist: Admiral Bob
Title: Summer Heat
Title: Awel
Artist: stefsax