A motorcycle off or accident is something that no one really wants to talk about, but if you're a motorcycle rider, a pillion, or someone emotionally attached to a rider, we think about it now and again. And in this episode we address dealing with accidents, recovery and getting back on the bike.
Image: David Prigel
Dave & Becky Prigel: KLR 650 Rider
Image: Dave Prigel
Last year, Dave Prigel, an ARR listener, contacted us when he decided to get back in to riding after many years of being off a motorcycle, and he purchased a KLR 650. Just months later, he was in an accident which resulted in broken bones. He's nicely recovering now, and wants to get back on and ride, but his wife, Becky, isn't so sure about it. Becky is a nurse and has experience with treating motorcycle accident related injuries in her job, so she has concerns about Dave riding again.
Image: Andrea Brosnan
Andrea Brosnan - Mongolia Motorcycle Crash & Overcoming Language Barriers
Andrea Brosnan has always been passionate about travel, but she is fairly new to adventure motorcycle riding. Last year, her husband went on a motorcycle trip from London to Magidan. The plan was for Andrea to meet him and ride with him for 10 days, but near the end of her trip they had a motorcycle collision, where Andrea ran in to David. The accident left Andrea with multiple injuries, and numerous difficulties with language communication with hospital staff and doctors. Andrea is back in Australia, still recovering from her injuries. She shares her story on having an accident in a foreign country and the problems they had to overcome to get her the help she needed and to get her back home.
Image: Liz Jansen at www.lizjansen.com
Liz Jansen - Motorcycle Crash Recovery
Liz Jansen is a well know motorcycle enthusiast and is the author of Women, Motorcycles and the Road to Empowerment and Life Lessons from Motorcycles. She’s also a Senior Instructor in the Motorcycle Program at Humber College in Toronto, as well as a motorcycle adventurer. She’s been riding since she was a teenager, and has done a lot of solo touring around Canada and the United States.
Image: Liz Jansen at www.lizjansen.com
In 2014, after 45 years of riding, she had a motorcycle crash. And through this experience, even with hundreds of thousands of miles spent on the road and being an instructor, she faced for the first time her own challenges about riding a motorcycle after an accident. She shares her story and some great tips for dealing with crashes and recovery.
Liz Jansen has a wealth of information on her website, check out her post on How to Start Riding After a Motorcycle Accident at http://lizjansen.com/riding-after-a-motorcycle-accident/.
Website: www.lizjansen.com
Motorcycle Law Group - Motorcycle Accidents - Important Tips on How to Handle A Collision
For more information on how to handle a motorcycle accident from a legal point of view listen to the episode aired January 2016, where Matt Danielson from the Motorcycle Law Group explains everything you need to know.
Some music on this episode by Jason Shaw at www.audionautix.com