110: Communication and Gear for the Modern Moto Traveler

Image: Grant Johnson - Horizons Unlimited

This month on RAW, we’re talking about how travelers around the world are using different communication tools—from WhatsApp to TikTok—and how tech like drones, SAT devices, and new gear is shaping the way we explore.

ARR RAW round-table discussions with motorcycle adventure travellers - featuring Grant Johnson, Sam Manicom, Shirley Hardy-Rix, Brian Rix, Michelle Lamphere and Jim Martin.

RAW LISTENER QUESTIONS: Have a question for the RAW panel? Send it to us here.

Image: Sam Manicom - Birgit making friends in other lands.

Many Thanks to This Month’s Top Supporters!

Jim and MicheleArpino

John Ciribassi from Emmaus MotoTours

Music: "Turbo Tornado" by Admiral Bob 2016 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) ccmixter.org/files/admiralbob77/54272 "DIRT ROAD TRAVELER" Jason Shaw Creative Commons Music by Jason Shaw on Audionautix.com