Image: Shirley Hardy-Rix and Brian Rix - Moscow to Vladivostok
ARR RAW round-table discussions with motorcycle adventure travellers - featuring Grant Johnson, Sam Manicom, Shirley Hardy-Rix, Brian Rix, Michelle Lamphere and Jim Martin.
RAW LISTENER QUESTIONS: Have a question for the RAW panel? Send it to us here.
Listener Question: Traveling through Communist Countries - Brad Henrichs
Question: I've heard [many] stories and followed various overlanders travelling through North and South America, Africa and Australia but I was curious why we don't hear stories about travellers going through Russia and China. Is this because of the restrictions the communist parties have in place? Surely there must be some amazing stories beyond the Long Way Round series about traveling through these countries. I'm sure there are some pretty big hoops to jump through when crossing the borders as well as restrictions on using drones and cameras to record the journey. Is it easier to get into the country if you are not an American?
Top Comfort Hacks for Long-Distance Travel
Do you have any unusual or unique practices for long-distance travel comfort? Perhaps you've learned some things through experiencing mental or physical discomfort. The RAW group shares what they’ve learned after countless hours spent riding and travelling.
Image: Shirley Hardy-Rix and Brian Rix - Volgograd Hill - Mother Russia
Many Thanks to This Months Top Supporters!
Doug Oosterhouse
Scott Peterson
David Laye
John Lewis Schneider
John Ciribassi from Emmaus MotoTours