ARR RAW round-table discussions with motorcycle adventure travellers - featuring Grant Johnson, Sam Manicom, Shirley Hardy-Rix, Brian Rix, Michelle Lamphere and Jim Martin.
RAW LISTENER QUESTIONS: Have a question for the RAW panel? Send it to us here.
Image: Michael and Angela Greer
Many motorcyclists dream about running off on an adventure that lasts for weeks, months, or even years. The thrill and anticipation leading up to the journey is what they focus on. But, the darker side is contemplating what will happen when they return. How will they reintegrate into society and work? What will it be like to return to their old life with a new perspective?
Listener’s Question: Michael and Angela Greer - Twonie Project

Many thanks to this month’s top supporters!
Steven Howard
Rudolph Vandenberg
John Lewis-Schneider
John Ciribassi from Emmaus MotoTours